Yeah it's early for christmas posts, i know. But make up your mind.. now it's the time to buy your Christmas tree. I recommand these shiny glittery ones. Although i like the simplicity around christmas too. We need not forget that it started in a poor situation. Let us use lights to show where we stand for .... for love and unity.
The pink dress is the welcomes gift from M*Motion. Comes with a hud with 4 clors( brown, grey, black and pink)
The warm sweater with skirt set is from amiable for The Creators Collection Box. Love the bows at the sides and the lace part of the skirt. The hair is from Damselfly at On9. Love it.
Pink dress: M*Motion - M*Motion Special Thanks! Group Gift (free)
Sweater and skirt set: amiable at CCB - {amiable}Long Knit Bow Sweater with Skirt_Pink(NEW)
Hair: Damselfly at On9 - *~*Damselfly*~*Henny Rigged-Mesh Dark Blondes (NEW)
Necklace: Moon Amore - :Moon Amore: Luise -Tiny Flowers Tiara (Pink) used as a necklace.
Pulsin star halo in hair: keke - Gift from [ keke ] (free)
Christmas trees: Silvery K at CCB - *:..Silvery K..:* Christmas trees (NEW/ 30% discount at event time)
From inventory: Boots - Bens Beauty
Pictures made near the Vespertine shop
Bye bye, Nic
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