Tjips shows you this time a sweater and a cardigan. The sweater is the new release from ::K:: for The Mens Dept november round. Many colors available. The cardigan comes with a hud for the inner shirt.The grey cardigan is the october groupgift from Gizza. The cardigan comes with shirt and scarf.
Nic shows a 25ld dress from Paisley daisy, the chic squared dress in black.It was a bit cold so she wears her leather jacket from COCO and a scarf from COCO. Both wear Lennon glasses, a gift from Petite Morte at The Boho Culturee Fair. Tjips earring is also from that fair, a gift from Elysium. In the box are also bangles (you get all in 6 colors).Nic wears also earrings from the Boho Culture Fair.
Nic wears:
Dress: Paisley Daisy - Paisley daisy chic Squared Dress Black ( 25ld)
Jacket: COCO - *COCO* Fringe Jacket Black
Scarf: COCO - *COCO*_WoolScarf_Stripe-Candy
Earrings: Elysium at BCF- African earrings ( free or 1ld)
Glasses: Petite Mort at BCF- Lennon round specs (free or 1ld)
From inventory: Hair Analog Dog; boots -Rowena's Designs (Laryn)
Blue sweater: ::K:: at TMD - ::K:: Mock Neck Sweater Homme LakeBlue (NEW/many colors available)
Grey cardigan: Gizza - GizzA - October Group Gift [Men] (free)
Earrings ( and bangle) - Elysium at BCF - Dakota set - FATPACK (free or 1ld)
Glasses: Petite Mort at BCF- Lennon round specs (free or 1ld)
From inventory: Shoes - Hoorenbeek, Hair W&Y (old/ shops gone)
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