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I am just a dreamer but you just a dream. You are like a hurricane, there's calm in your eye, but i am blown away.You could have been anyone to me. Before that moment you touched my lips....
Nic and tjip are showing some presents. Nic also shows you a new release from Blueberry. The asymetrical top with two colors. Many colors in the mainshop. Love that top. I combined it with a suede mini short from Drift. The armbands are from Pixicat. Showed them some time before already.
Nic also shows a skirt with blouse(comes with a hud). It is the groupgift from TentatioN.
Tjips denim pants and jacket are from the Cosmopolitan Sales Room, the gift from this round. The camo outfit is the male groupgift from TentatioN.
Cute is the pose. It is the way the pose from fashiowl was packed. The pose i got at the Four Seasons market.
And wow the brooche from Chop Zuey for Fabulous Free is gorgeous. Free for everyone, no group join needed. You find the gift in the main store.
Asymetrical top: Blueberry - Blueberry - Avela - Tank Tops - Black (NEW)
Shorts: DRIFT - DRIFT Simple Shors [MESH] Suede w/Color Change HUD
Skirt and blouse: TentatioN - * TentatioN * GIFT Group (free/ group join 30ld)
Brooche: Chop Zuey - Heart of Hope Gld Brooch (free)
Pose with owl: Fashiowl at FSM - = fashiowl poses = First Date (free)
Denim outfit tjip: *MSS* for CSR - *MSS* - Faded Denim Outfit - Blue (free)
Camo outfit: TentatioN -* TentatioN * GIFT Group (free/ group join 30ld)
From inventory: Hair tjip - Argrace (Hayate); sunglasses - Paul Polo (part of an outfit); Nic's hair - Mina (Shiny Shabby event)
Bye bye, Nic
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