Azul has this amazing coat out for a group gift. Having a 25 limit has really made people fussy about which groups they will join - and even more so, which they will stay in. I think this poses the question - What do you think are the best shop groups in sl? Which ones are so worth paying for the privilege of membership? Which would they have to rip your membership out of your cold, dead hand? Which shops have the best free groups? Which shops have the best subscribos? I would love some feedback on this - and to be able to compile a list of must haves (and see what I'm possibly missing). Anyone?

As far as my fashion groups go, you will have to pry:
AZUL (free item and if you blow your $L budget one month and spend $L5000 or more, you get platinum status and another free, exclusive item every month)
Belleza (pre-release awesome skins)
Nicky Ree (free dress with group/profile pick) and Stiletto Moody (mainly for those great sales - save my $L for that!) out of my dead avie's hands.
I also love Tukinowaguma - can't go wrong with a free hair :)
aDiva has a weekly discount dress for group members and occasionally offers sales/pre-releases. It's another group I like.
I've lost count of how many subscrib-o's, hippo-vendor lists I'm a part of but PixelDolls, Maitreya, Alatiel, Ingenue, Alphamale/Blacklace, Phoenix Rising, and Chantkare are some of my personal favorites.
Tuli. I've been so long in this group I've never had to pay the joining fee. But if I had too, I would have because Tuli isn't only one of the most talented but definitely most generous designers in SL.
That's gonna have to be the Fabulously Free in SL group. There are like 10 thousand members and they are all so helpful! AND!!! The designers give away soooo much great stuff to this group!
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