Nic wears a new coat from ::K::. Available in many colors at Fameshed. You can change the color of the collar. The jacket you can use with the inner turtleneck or without. The dog with the lights and reindeer ears is a present at the Kitty Cats advents calendar. The pine cone elf in Nic's arm is from the December groupgift at Zenith. In the gift you will find also a skirt and sweater.
Coat: ::K:: - ::K:: at Fameshed Mouton Boa Coat Femme Oldrose ( NEW)
Earmuffs: ***Ambrosia*** at Clover Town - ***Ambrosia***Ear maff[brown bear] (free)
Pine cone elf: Zenith - part of =Zenith=2015 Dec group gift (free)
Nails: *MGSIT-STORE* at Clover Town - *MGSIT-STORE*Slinknail[MOYA]gs/gift (free)
Bonnets: ++Twilight++ at Clover Town = ++Twilight++ Santa Knit Bonnet and Reindeer Knit Bonnet (free)
Dog: at Kitty Cats calendar day 4 - Holiday Hound Travel Crate (free)
Vase with Illuminated dry branches - Silvery K - i add later where you can buy the vase.
From inventory: Shoes - H@s; Hair - Magika(Cardigan); swan bag- Shey; jeans- FA Creations
Pictures made at Clover Town
Bye bye, Nic
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