You see Nic in the dining room with wild hair from the free ball from Analog Dog. Go to the beach and search the shiny ball. new hair again in it. The hair with the tail is also from the free ball. Nic wears a dress from the Kitty Cat advents calendar.
Important to tell you that 08-12-2015 BSD shoe shop reopened the doors. The blue/gold shoes are the new groupgift shoes. On the counter in the new shop you can find them. Group join is more affordable then before, now 50ld. Glad you back BabyChampagne Sass. Congrats with the new shop.
Scroll for some close-ups.
Blue/gold shoes: BSD - {{BSD Design studio}}Diamond supermodel velvet blue gold
Hairs: Analog Dog - Gemma and Damage Control Analog Dog freeball (free)
Dress ( first picture)[RUBY] - [Ruby] KittyCatS! Advent Calendar - Holiday Cocktail Dress.(free)
Black shoes: ZD - *ZD* Joana Slink High Shoes Leather 1.0
Necklace and earrings: BricOle's Merry Christmas 2015 Necklace & Earrings (free)
Deers: Storax tree - StoraxTree December #2 Group Gift 2015 (free)
From inventory: cushion christmas tree- Kalopsia; vintage card rack - floorplan; Chistmas tree- Silvery K.
Pictures made at: Hollandaise
Bye bye, Nic
Click small pictures to enlarge

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