On the pictures with the white lingerie Nic wears the skin from Wicked (the Christmas gift/ showed already also yesterday) this is the natural version.
The brown corset comes also with leggings ( with appliers).
Under credits you can find where you can get the lingerie. Sweet are the dogs isn't it with the antler hairbands from *ZD*. Its is the Christmas groupgift. Not for dogs but for hot girls ofcourse. More sexy pictures below because i already made them before Luella joined.
Nic wears:
White lingerie: Blacklace at 34th street - ~Blacklace~ Sexy Little Gift for Christmas on 34th St (10ld)
Brown corset with necklace ( legging also included/not showed): *ZD* - *ZD* Heidi Corset Minidress - Brown (new) - *ZD* Heidi Corset Minidress - Brown (NEW)
Hair: Analog Dog- AD free ball (New/free)
Reindeer coffee and chocolat mug: Sways ( was from advents calendar)
Wreathes: Vespertine - in {vespertine}- december15 group gift (free/ but group join fee)
Antler headbands: *ZD* - *ZD* Group gift - reindeer antlers (15 colors) (free)
From inventory: Branches illuminated - Silvery K
Luella wears:
Lingerie: Clockhaus - Lena Night Dress BLACK - TFC Hunt (free)
Hair: Truth Hair - Truth ArdenVariety 12 days of savings - marketplace (100 Ld).
Boots: N-Core - N-core ALEXANDRA "Black" Non sock version für Maitreya Lara with Hud
Make-up: Ricielli - Ricielli NIGHT MAKEUPS - 125 Ld.
Necklace: Pixel Box - Necklace Dark cross and rose in black pearls box - 50 Ld.
Pictures taken: at my home location
Bye bye, Nic
Click small pictures to enlarge

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