In what i create and in my fantasy i want be beautiful for you. Can you see my soul? Its not only the outside but also the inside that counts.
Nic shows some beautiful things. To start with the first pictures. The cardigan is a new release from ::K:: You get it with and without t-shirt. The pencil skirt is from an event that i visited yesterday. Event name: Life of Style. Most products 75ld. I bought this penicl skirt and a nice lace top. I was a bit disappointed because the skirt was non mesh. But now in combination with the cardigan i am glad. The skirt doesn't come through the cardigan. Sometimes that is a problem in combinations. Love the open part of the skirt. The lace top you can see below.Below also the necklace from Geek. A gift in the geek. Hair group only. It is a tribute to Spock .. and to the man who played & created this amazing character, Leonard Nimoy. Thanks Dancer for the tip.
The warm set on the second picture i found at Mimi's Choice. Comes with a hud for more colors. The shoes ( and earrings and a necklace/ not shown here) also are a gift at Mimi's.
At the third picture Nic shows a dress from Leri Miles Designs for Designer Showcase (March)
Cardigan: ::K:: at Fameshed (March)- ::K:: Spring Cardigan Homme/Femme Coral
Skirt: {T.O.D} at Life of Style -{T.O.D} Brinks Midi Skirt_NAKED (75ld)
Lace top: {T.O.D}at Life of Style - {T.O.D}Lace Tank_FROST (75ld)
Bag: *Sweets Outfits* - *Sweets Outfits* Hand Bag Group Gift (free)
Outfit second picture: Skirt: Zanze at Mimi's Choice - [ZE] Aria Sweater and skirt (free)
Shoes with jewelry ( and more): .:JUMO:. at Mimi's Choice - .:JUMO:. Fashion Group Gift (free)
Dress third picture: LMD at Designer Showcase (March) - LMD Aleva Cocktail Dress Midnight
Necklace: Geek in info /notices of gee. Hair group - [geek.] Prosper Tribute to Spock GIFT (free)
From inventory: hair - EMO-tions
Bye bye, Nic