This is NOT an easy hunt. It's the hardest one I've done since - well since the last hunt I did at Starlust (lol). You need to go here and get a HUD and then look around all of the Starlust Sims for tiny red pieces. They do give you clues. Definitely join the group as they are VERY helpful. Plus, I had a much easier time once I realized the beginning of each clue listed the name of the sim you were supposed to be looking for the next piece on (doy). Good news is, there are only 14 pieces to find to heal your broken heart and then you get a list of shops to go pick up goodies at - and it's quite a bounty! A small sampling here of what you will get:

Thimbles: 1983 Calling Skirt Red/Silver (other colors in the pack as well)
Pig - Ambrosia for VD J Long Shirt
Schadenfreude: Really Tacky Underthings
Urbanista: GLAM Mini Dress (my favorite!)
Not Without You: Muse Top
House of Hucci: Plush Top and Pants Set

Touche': SmexiSweater Dress - Burgandy
Lark: Karen Blouse

Schoen: Heartheel Shoes
Duh!: Women's Moccasins
She's So Unusual Shoes: Red N White Hearts Flat Left

Imagen: Clara - Este - Deep Purple
=HooT= : Into the Depths Eyes (Violet Valentine) in all pics
Polar: Sweety - Brown Brow
PEACHES: Starlust Hunt .20'
All poses feature in the pics are gifts as well, including some from that hot new shop Pink Pebble Poses!
oh my karina! I was going to blog about the hunt o.o even look at the draft of posts! lol! <33
and Pink pebble poses! ty for blogging about my store <3
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