It seemed like I saw the heck blogged out of the Skipping Stones Hunt so even though I did it, I thought instead I would blog another one. I actually found more things in this hunt I liked as well. If you want information and hints (which helped alot!) you can find them here in the Th
e Black Keys Hunt blog. Some of the items are music themed to go with the Black Keys theme (looking for a set of piano keys this one). Okay kids - onto the prizes!
Twisted & Spoiled - Black Key Dress comes with shoes and necklace.
Topaz Square - Black Cargo Shirt worn with
Gbberish Boutique - Windsor Trousers.
DYN - Cerenaika Dress
Blue Blood - Black Keys Gown

and my favorite of the hunt!
Goth1C0 - hoodie with capri's and the super cute Chucks I'm wearing is the hunt gift from
Cat Crap.
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