Autumn is coming soon. I can feel it in real life and also in sl. It's the changing of the season. Nic is wearing shorts and a nice top of Adorsy, available at The Cosmopolitan's Sales room. The colors are in the fatpack.
The autumn touch now comes from the (L'automne) chai latte in her hand. A dispenser gift at Andika.
Nic's skin, named Fallen, I got for 1 ld in the "today's offer" board, but that was yesterday. I had no time to blog this yesterday. Today you get skin Izara in the today's offer board. Walk in the shop, pass the counter on your left hand and walk through an opening and then through a door. There at your left hand is the board. You need not be in the group to get the offer.
Nic's jewelry is a new release of Heartsdale Jewelry at the Swank event. There are two stands. This jewelry you can find in the stand at the lower level.
The shoes I could buy with store credits that I still had. But go to [StephanaL] for many shoe gifts. These shoes you can get as a gift with a hud for 6 colors. You can mix and match the colors at several parts of the shoes. Group join is 15ld. The fat pack price of Nic's shoes was very affordable. Do you need a shoe in denim color, then go to this shop. More shoes there with denim colors in the hud.
The rug with pillows I bought with store credits at Zerkalo. Remember you got them when you hunted there some time ago when they opened the new sim. At the moment this rug is in the happy weekend sale. Comes with a huge hud and the animations are very good.
The loungers behind Nic are a gift of BAZAR for the Uber birthday. I mentioned them already in the post before this one. It is important to tell you that if you like asian style homes or sim buildings, then go to Make a Mark for the Uber gift. You get a Japanese long hallway, so beautiful! And a buddha with lotus in his hand in small and large size with color hud you get as an Uber gift at Fundati. See the picture below.
Shorts: adorsy at
Cosmopolitan - adorsy Jennifer Shorts (NEW)
7 Deadly s[K]ins - 7 Deadly s[K]ins - FALLEN skin ( in "Today's Offer"Board/ see my text)
tram - tram K0925 hair
Necklace and earrings: [HJ] Calliope Collection with color hud (NEW)
[StephaneL] - [StephaneL] MORGANA SHOES( free/ group gift/ group join 15ld/ see text)
Chai latte:
andika - andika{L'automne}Chai Latte Dispenser&Wearable Set (free/Uber gift)
From inventory; beach bag - Hive
~BAZAR~ -~BAZAR~Lakeview Lounger (free/Uber gift)
Japanese hallway:
Make a Mark - MAke a MArk - Japanese Hallway gift (free/Uber gift)
(Fundati) - (Fundati) Buddha Statue W/HUD (free/Uber gift)
From inventory: little table -DRD
Bye bye, Nic