Monday, September 5, 2022

after his day out fishing


At the warm end of the afternoon she came to pick him up at the yachtclub after his day out with the boys. They had their yearly fishing trip. And ofcourse he is talking about the huge fish they nearly caught. Stories that made her smile. All a bit exaggerated of course. But he took some good thick fishs with him for the barbeque at least.That will be delicious! She is happy he is back and to feel him close to her.
Tjip and Nic are showing you clothes that they bought with the 500ld credits at Fake Society. Nic did choose a jeans ( and pssst also a beautiful gown for an evening dancing with him). She had to pay a bit more, but for what she got it was worth to pay it that little bit of money extra.  Tjip bought the jeans and shirt. He also had to pay a bit extra. Nic is showing you her free bandeau top and boots. Both gifts for the Uber anniversary. I hope you can see her cute love chest tattoo. That one I found at the second life marketplace.Click pictures to enlarge and have a better view. The bag and her cross and hoop earrings are group gifts at Fake Society. Tjip is wearing sneakers, a Semller group gift. By the way, the tee is an old applier tee from Tjips inventory. 
The shop opposite Fake Society, Off-Line, has also 500ld credits as group gift for you. Both store credits expire at the end of September.

Bandeau top: Emery -Emery Gift for Uber Event  - August'22 ( free/Uber gift)
Boots: *COCO* - *COCO*_UberAnniversaryGift_AnkleBoots(Black/White) (free/Uber Gift)
Jeans: Fake Society - Fake Society x Heidi Jeans / Light Blue (free/ bought with the store credits of this month)
Hair: [monso] - [monso] Dafnis Hair /Mix & Pop
Earrings: /fake society / - /fake society / cross earring / fatpack (free/GG)
Bag: Tim Yung /fake society / -Tim Yung -Triangle Purse - FATPACK (free/GG)
Tattoo: .::AlwaysOn::. -  .::AlwaysOn::. - Love (10ld)
Head: LeLUTKA - LeLUTKA Ryn Head EVOX 3.1
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins- 7 Deadly s[K]ins - TABEA skins ( free/ lucky board/ group join fee)
Pose: Ana Poses - Ana poses  Night out

Tjip is wearing:
Jeans: /fake society / - /fake society /Andre set(free/ bought with the store credits of this month)
Shirt: /fake society/ -  /fake society /Andre set (free/ bought with the store credits of this month)
Semller - Semller - Megalodeon Sneakers Group Gift (free)
From inventory: hair - Dura; fishing rod - {what next}; 

Bye bye, Nic

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