Nic is wearing a jacket and pants from Wicked for the Spoonful of Sugar event. From September 9 till September 25 the Spoonful of Sugar Fund-raising Event takes place. This is a big event that raises money for Doctors without Borders.
Another event is the Boho Stuff Event ( from the womenstuff and the menstuff team) open September 6th and run through September 28th.The cushions are from there and the boots in Nic's bag and the bracelets in gold and silver.
Then worthwhile to tell you about the second anniversary hunt at !IT!, Nic's butterfly necklace is from the 10ld hunt at !IT!(from 5th of September till 5th of October 2016)It's !IT!'s 2nd anniversary. Hunt prizes are Pretty Butterfly Necklace + Earrings x 6 huds in 12 packages
Laura is wearing a dress and shoes from Cremosas/SP Store, both groupgifts. Her necklace is from the You.Gacha event. Event is open the whole month.
See close-ups below
Laura is wearing: Dress : Cremosas/P.S Store - Cremosas/{PS Store } Dress Ivi (free)
Shoes: Cremosas/P.S Store - {PS Store } Shoes Retro Cintia GIFT (free)
Necklace: MEVA at You.Gacha event - Grelie necklace (free)
Hair:Truth - Truth Elaine
Skin: 7 deadly skins - 7 Deadly s(k)ins september groupgift (free/ but group join fee/ often free group join days)
Nic is wearing: outfit with dark bracelet ( and shoes not shown) ; Wicked at SOS - WICKED * Zara - Full Outfit ( all money for Doctors without borders)
Hair: Mina - MINA Lena
Necklace: !IT! - !IT! - Pretty Butterfly (10ld/hunt) color hud ( also 10ld/hunt)
From inventory: Shoes- H@s
Bikes: Lushish Catz - Lushish Catz - Pose Lover & Friends Event (NEW/ start 11th of sept)
Snuggle blanket, old apple tree and basket: Kitty Kreations at Country Life - Harvest Snuggles - Kitty Creations ( sorry event is closed/was free)
Pillows:::BB:: at Boho Stuff Event - ::BB:: The traveller- deco colection GIF(free)
Wall with stinging nettles:Del ka- Aedilisat CountryLife ( event closed) -Country Life Gift from Del-ka Aedilis(free)
Bracelets and boots: RR at Boho Stuff Event - RR ~ BoHo Girl Accessory Set (free)
From inventory: Picnic bag - Cleo Design
Pictures made at: Lost Dream
Bye bye, Nic ( and thanks to Laura/ here is the link to her blog you can see her sweet pictures of our bicycle ride)
Click sall pictures to enlarge

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