I wanted to do you a favour. I hoped you liked it.... surprises not always turn out to be good.
No surprises just a tea party in a beautiful garden, because i got the nice tea set from Sickly Sweet at the Time For Tea Hunt. You need find a leaf.
Still no entering for me at the hair fair sims. But no problem.. again new hair for Nic and new hair for Dancer. Nic's hair is new in the free ball at Analog dog. Dancer's hair is from the Midnight Mania from A&A.
Dancer and Nic both wear someting with a naked back part. Love the texture from Dancers top, the new groupgift set is from Luziefee. Dancer's shoes are dangerous there is a scorpion on the shoes.(see below)
Dancer wears:
Outfit: Luziefee - Luziefee Design LUZ - Groupgift June/July 2015 (free)
Hair: A&A - A&A Laurie Hair Goldbrown (free)
Skin: 7 Deadly s{kins} - group gift 7 Deadly s{K}ins - GROUP july GIRLS 2015 (free)
Shoes: MonaLisa - mL- Leisa Shoes (TMP,Maitreya, Belleza,SLink) group gift,(free but join fee)
From inventory: jewelry -TD Aysha Necklace Set was a freebie a few weeks ago Tiffany Designs;
earings from N@N@- N@N@ is closing, everything is 10 lindens for a limited time
Tea set: {Sickly SWEET} - {Sickly SWEET} Time For Tea Hunt Prize (free)
Nic wears:
Hair: Analog Dog - AD Lolly - Free ball (free)
Jumpsuit: Rowena's Designs -{RS} Cassidy Silk Jumpsuit
Shoes: Rowena's Designs - {RS} Jessica Heels High Slink
From Inventory: necklace - Kitja ( free)
Pictures made at: Beautiful
Click smal pictures to enlarge

Bye bye, Nic
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