A little bit traveling and shopping yesterday evening and this is the result. Whole lot of nice clothes. Many free. Just for the skirts and bustiers you have to pay group fee. But it is worthwhile because you get immediately so many beautiful things. The cute skirts and bustiers, 3 clutches , the pink and blue foxes and another set of clothes. The flowery dress under the sakura tree is the new groupgift from FA Creations. The blue long dress is the groupgift from Kelini. See below for the total dress with the back part.
Two new hair releases, both free/both fatpacks. The hair on the first pictures from Bold&Beauty, the other hair is from little bones.
The silver shoes are from Pinks.
Bustier and skirt: Foxes- Foxes - Vintage Bustier & Lace Skirt - VIP( free/ group join fee)
Rose bustier : Foxes - Foxes -Vintage Bustier - Rose VIP GIFT(free/ group join fee)
white skirt: Foxes -Foxes - Vintage - Skirt - White VIP GIFT (free/ groupjoin fee
Clutches: Foxes - - Vogue Oversized Clutch - VIP GIFT - Pink/black and Purple (free/groupjoin fee)
Foxes: Birdy - Birdy Bashful Fox -VIP - Electirc Pink and Electric blue (free/ group join fee)
Hair first picture: ::Bold & Beauty:: - ::Bold & Beauty:: Hair :: Divanopka. (Fatpack)(free)
Silver shoes: Pinks - ~Pinks Brooke Shoe Box - Silver (free)
Flower dress: FA Creations - ::FAC:: Lilac Dress Outfit [Group Gift April 2015] (free)
Hair: little bones. Wasted -little bones. Wasted - GIFT(fatpack) (free/ group join fee)
Blue long dresss: Kelini - . K E L I N I . Caprice Long Mesh Dress *Blue* (unpacked)
Pictures taken at: Wispering Wind
Bye bye, Nic

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