Close your eyes, Listen to my voice, it's my disguise, I'm by your side. oh it's what you do to me..oh it's what you do to me..
It is a art of the songtext from Plain white T's. Good to guide the lovepictures i made with tjip and Nic.
Three couple poses i found on marketplace for each 1ld.
The set that Nic wears is the new gift from Prism. Love the colors and the relaxed style. Tjip wears a new beard, a dollarbie at marketplace. Tjips shirt is the groupgift from American Bazaar. His jeans a gift at Marketplace. Comes with a boxer
Nic's outfit: Prism - Prism Suki by Journey -- May Group Gift(free)
Hair Nic: Moon {hair} -Moon. Group Gift! - Boa (NEW/ free/ group join fee)
Butterfly hair clip: Catwa - Catwa Butterfly Hair Claw [gift] (free)
Pose first picture: Rack poses - RACK poses The Sweetest Thing Gift (1ld)
Pose last picture: .:. Seil Xpression .:. Feel your heart beat ( 1 ld)
Pose secand large picture: .:. Seil Xpression .:. You make me feel happy (1ld)
Pants tjip: INESCO - INESCO Ripped Knee Dark Limited Edition (0ld)
Shirt: American Bazaar - AB groupgift men (free)
Beard: .Chicago Ink. - .Chicago Ink. Beard & Hair base Gift ( 1ld)
From inventory: Flats Nic - Candy Doll
Pictures made at: Umbral

Bye bye, Nic
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