When the body co. released their first skin I was excited immediately, however their female skins never seemed to fit me just perfectly. But with the newly released Petal skin I finally found my match. Upon trying the demo I had to get used to the realistic look a bit, but after wearing it for a couple of days I have fallen in love badly. I love the shading, skintone, high cheekbones and flawless body. I have only one little peeve, which are the eyebrows. They aren't the most friendly ones and I haven't been able to edit them in a more friendly look. I guess I'll have to appear a bit haughty to look this gorgeous ;)

My outfit is the newest release by E! Eclectic Apparel and Accessoires. The creator behind this brand is releasing one mesh outfit after the other and this is my favourite so far. I've worn a few dresses by E! and the bodyshape just didnt felt right for me, but both the Natalia Pants and the Alice Tank Top have a very good fit in my opinion. Definitely keeping an eye on this store...
Kus Nere
Skin: the body co. - Petal 01 fair red brows
Makeup: the body co. - shine blush
AddOns: Dutch Touch - Moles and Xtra Freckles
Eyelashes: Dutch touch - Eyelashes (came with Esmee skin)
Hair: fri.day - Miley Passionate Red
Eyes: LeLutka - Ellis Vine M
Top: e! - Alice Tank Top Dune
Pants: e! - Natalia Pants Jacaranda
Bracelet: YourSkin & YourShape - Bracelets couple
Earrings: Zaara - Anjami Chandelier earrings gold
Shoes: Elikatira - Move Pumps Antique
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