Still a youthfull face, with a somewhat determined mouth. There are a few makeups, all with and with out blushing cheeks.

I'm not showing the complete body because it is quite similar to the Aona body, but this time I dó like the nipples. A lot actually. The body is flawless with just enough details to suit my taste. The chest is quite flat, which I normally prefer, but for this gorgeous Aoharu shirt to work I used a cleavage enhancer for the very first time in my slife! But it works, doesn't it?

This last picture is the subscribo gift featuring the newest face, Sophie. It's not retrievable through history, so you might want to make sure to join to receive upcoming gifts! Oh and I'm not wearing any cleavage enhancers on this picture...
Kus Nere
Skin pic 1: Mynerva - Elise (Pink Damask blush)
Skin pic 2: Mynerva - Sophie (subscribo gift, not available in history)
Hair pic 1: Kookie - Kate hair (chocolate brown)
Hair pic 2: Zero Style - Dana (auburn)
Shirt: Aoharu - DungareeLongShirt (white)
Undershirt: DeeTaleZ - hot mini dress (brown)
Jeans: Hucci - Gold Denim Capri (medium 1)
Shoes: Coco - AnkleWrapWedge (previous gift)
Jewelry: Miel - AHI set (couldve been limited item)
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