Another Alice in Wonderland meets Red Riding Hood and some neko stuff thrown in kinda hunt. It reminds me alot of the Macabe Hunt. You can read more about the hunt here. Also, for another Fashionista mini quiz - There is a shop on this hunt that I would say at least the last four or so hunts they have participated in they have given the exact same gift (boo). If you think you know the shop - send me an IM and I'll rack my brain for a suitable prize. I'm not going to call them out on here (for risk of being booed my own self). As always, some of the goodies:

ANCAYI: Modern little hood raining (Jacket & Armwarmers)
Zenith: Pink & White (comes with Dress, Socks, Shoes - my fav!)
.: HLD: Alice
mY pINKIE sKULL: Little Red Riding Hood

Sassy Kitty Designs: Little Red Riding Outfit (comes with socks and boots not shown)
Ducknipple: Necklace
*X*plosion: SweetCat

RnB Designs Furniture: Alice in Wonderland Tea Set (how cute is this!)
1 comment:
Ho ! My modern little hood lol
Thanks ^^
I participate at dark katz hunt 2 if you want
This will be my gift for this hunt :
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