Sunday, July 19, 2009

Slice of Summer Hunt - The Sequel

Lots of nice stuff to blog from this hunt. Looking for watermelons this one if you didn't know. All items listed have the lm's to the shops but your will have to find the melon's yourself (that's part of the fun right!)

Evie's Closet Babydoll
WhoNose Summer Rain Dress (cloud and rain included)

Forbidden Apple - Purple Dress (with two skirt options)

Zenith dress AND shoes - This is my favorite from the whole hunt!
*Metaphysics* - Abyss Hair

Lo*momo - Dress
Studio M'z - Lace-up Boots
*Metaphysics* - Baron Hair
When I do a hunt I make a folder for that hunt and then save everything I find along the way into that folder so I can then go home, put all the boxes out and pretend it's Christmas. The hunting can be fun (and frustrating) but the unwrapping is always my favorite part. Normally, on most hunts I probably save about 20-30% of what I find. The amount of hunts lately has given me the opportunity to be a bit more choosy in what I do save. Some things I really do like, but they are simply not my style. Then there are others that I would think the designers would be embarassed to put their name on and give to large amounts of people, but they do nonetheless (like omg what were they thinking). And then, there are the diamonds - that not only do I blog and wear or put in my home, but enjoy and brag about how I got it for free. These are the shops I will normally go back to take another look at and buy from. I have heard a lot of anti-hunt talk around the grid and in some groups, but my personal experience has been that hunting has enabled me to find a lot of shops I would never have found just exploring and what I really want I still am willing to pay for period.

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