Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The American and The Salopette (A Love Story)

The Salopette

One of the very best things about SL is getting to know people from all over the world. Nere (a very classy non-american) and I had a conversation a few weeks ago in which she was telling me she was writing a post which involved a Salopette. "A what?" I had never heard the term before. We spend several minutes of her trying to describe to me what exactly a Salopette was. Anyhoo, tonight I go on a mini-hunt at Punpy and one of the cute gifties was none other then a Salopette! So for you Nere, I'm blogging a Salopette of my own (or as us less refined Americans would call "Overalls"). Punpy is a cute little Japanese shop and the hunt is quick and painless (only 6 items). If you want a Salopette of your very own, the cute Cardigan (ahem sweater, jumper) and others you can hunt for the little boxes here at Punpy.

1 comment:

Nereisse Aluveaux said...

Lol that reminds me I never posted the salopettepost...

But you look the cutest! Very nice find :) I'm gonna get it...

Love Nere

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