Those tears are caused by the cold wind. The scratches at her face are there because the kitten was a bit wild. She is looking a bit sad because waiting for him in the cold and not dressed warm is a challenge. But the rest is ok. She is happy with her hair. Nic thought this hair had an affordable price for her alt. You can find it in the Saturday Sale at Rama Salon. The styling hud you need to buy extra. For the alt not so necessary.
And now let me tell you about all the free things for yourself or your alt. See for the body and skin the post before this one. The top is from Beautiful Dirty Rich. It's a group gift fat pack. Group join is free and you can find many other clothes there. The skirt is one of the group gifts at Rowne. Only in this color. The boots are a group gift in the same store. Comes with a color hud. Many other group gifts there. The scarf is a dollarbie at Marketplace SL of eXxEsS. Comes with a color hud. The scratches at Nic's face as well as the winter blush are gifts for everyone at a wall in the Izzie's shop. Many other gifts there. The tears and lipstick I used from the LeLutka head hud. The kittens are a gift at Jian
Hair: RAMA.SALON- RAMA.SALON - Kylee Hair 'Naturals Pack' (75ld Saturday Sale)
Sweater: ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::... - ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::... Leah -Sweater- GG Edition (free)
Skirt: Jeune by Rowne. - Jeune by Rowne.Mara Jersey Skirt - Red (free)
Boots: Rowne. - Rowne.IIJN Stretch Boot - Deluxe with color hud (free)
Scarf: eXxEsS - eXxEsS : Scarf No.1(1ld)
Tights: Eon - Eon white tights 4 different opacites included 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% and recolorable (1ld)
Scratches: Izzie's - Izzie's - Little Scratches (Gift 2021) (free)
Winter blush: Izzie's - Izzie's - Winter Blush Gift (free)
Kittens: JIAN - JIAN Kitten Clingers (free)
Head: LeLutka - LeLutka Raven (was the Lelutka Christmas gift) now full price
Head skin: LeLutka - LeLutka lel EvoX Raven 004
Hairbase: LeLutka - LeLutka.EvoX.Hair base.051 (but recolored)
Lipstick and tears are in the Lelutka Raven hud
Body: LucyBody - LucyBody ATENEA ( free/ midnight Mania gift)
Bom applier for LucyBody: Lucy - Lucy bom applier ( 250ld)
Eyes: Avi Glam - AG. Mellow Eyes - Group Gift ( free/ but 20ld group join)
Bye bye Nic
Pictures made at: Ethereal City
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