Love to show you the Ronsem free mesh Tee ( a groupgift). It is Minivan lightning sale at The Sea Hole. All products with a minivan lightning symbol are just 50ld. I love the high waisted pants that i bought there. Still can see my navel. The sportshoes are free at Plausibel Body part of a total sport outfit. And ooooooh on the left of the board in the shop are boards with super pumps in so many colours. I sure will show them in another post.
And as you know i am hair addict, so i am very happy with this mesh hair from Exile..loveeeeeeeeeeeee it. The boston bag, good for my sport outfit, is from Izumiya. My cola is from Dirtyland. They have many cute accessories there. Have a look and pimp your avatar.
Pink one shoulder Tee: Ronsem - RONSEM [MESH] One Sh TEE / female ( free)
Grey Sweater: Ronsem: RONSEM* [MESH] 1000GM TEE (free women/ men)
Pants: The Sea Hole - The Sea Hole - Soto Cigarette Pants (w/belt) Navy (sale- 50ld)
Bag: Izumiya- =IZUMIYA= Boston Bag ( 80ld)
Cola: Dirtyland - dl:: Drink Me ... Cola ( 20ld)
Hair: Exile - ::Exile:: MIdnight in Paris: Light Blondes Vanilla (new)
Wristband watch: - Mya - :=MYA=: groupbox-wristband-watch ( free)
Sportshoes: Plausibel Body - PB >> Sport Pink ( open prize-or free)
Bye bye, Nic