The cake is with such a good quality animation. Clicking the cake will give you a part and a fork. This will let you take little pieces on the fork and bring it to the mouth. So slowly your cake on your dish disappears. You can take a new piece of cake.. the cake on the large dish diminish piece by piece. So cool made.
The outfit is a moody monday outfit from Carrie Snowpaw ( 55ld!! normal prize 200ld). Also a barret is included and a shortpants version with and without garters and stockings. All is very elegant and sexy.
I combined it with a bag from Paradisis but changed it a little bit so it has the same leopard texture on the upperside now.
Pictures made at the french styled square in Cupcakes
Outfit: Snowpaws- Missionit Leopard mini dress ( moody monday sale)
Cake: **KK Food** - Torta Gelato al Cherry
Bag: Paradisis - Paradisis Seduction Purse Black
Get in the mood, Nic
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