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Every great dream begins with a dreamer. You have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars.
Yes Nic has patience and she wants to reach for the stars. While waiting and being patient, she is busy for her blog. A good way to help her to be patience. And even for blog making patience is needed. I needs not to be too tired and have patience to get good ideas.
So not every day a blog post is available for you. Keep patient ;)!
Today i am happy to show you again some free items. Part of the core purpose of this blog. But with having more sponsors it's sometimes a bit at the back ground.
Today the hair is free and the outfit of the new summer hunt, at Ricielli are just 15ld for each item.. The quality is, as known, very good. With the tips from my advisor Laura i show you two sets, that combine very good. The Livy top (#17) and short (#19) is a set. And the lingerie bra and pantie Shelly (#08) goes very well with the robe Shayla (#10) both from the Dhoma brand of Ricielli. I am a fan of that brand.
Laura told me also that skirt ( #01) and the body suit ( #09) combine very well. You need find donuts. In the shop is the board with all the hunt items. So you can choose what you want.
Nic's skin is skin Aquilla available at the eBENTO event. She is wearing skin tone caramel.
The nails used are from the Sale Rack of Cazimi at marketplace. Many very good affordable items there. Type in search at MP Cazimi Sale Rack or hit a board in the shop about it.
The lipstick is available at the new round of SENSE. Blog posts of that event will come soon.
In the decor you can see items from the Boardwalk event and the super cute Chihuahua's of [Rez Room], available in the gacha at Epiphany.
From the Boardwalk event are the bedroom set of [ Generation X ], containing the bed, rug, chair, side table, elephant ear plant, vase with books, vases, bull heads and the hanging lamps. All items can be bought separately or in a full set. Adult or pg.
To the right you can see a pouf of Raindale. Comes with a color menu.
On the balcony i placed the lemon espaliers of Illusions of Grandeur.
The pictures are made in the skybox of hive//. Once i bought this one at a Fifty Linden Friday. It's a simple skybox but with sphere. Available now at the normal ( affordable) price.
7 Deadly s[K]ins at
eBENTO - 7 Deadly s[K]ins - AQUILLA lights (NEW)
Ricielli - Ricielli - 2019 Summer Hunt (No Transfer) #19 (15ld/hunt)
Top: Ricielli - Ricielli - 2019 Summer Hunt (No Transfer) #17 (15ld/hunt)
Bra and Pantie: Riciellie - Ricielli - Dhoma 2019 Summer Hunt (No copy) #8 (15ld/hunt)
Robe: Ricielli - Ricielli - Dhoma 2019 Summer Hunt (No Transfer) #10 (15ld/hunt
[KNOX] - [KNOX] Subscriber Welcome Gift Heather All Colors ( free)
Cazimi ( sale rack Marketplace) - CAZIMI: Nails - Foliage (25ld)
Lipstick: Go Makeup at
SENSE - Go Makeup - Bloggers Pack @SENSE (new)
Poses: Lyrium at
2nd Chance - Lyrium. Anastazja series ( 50% off)
hive // - hive // simple hive //
Lemon espaliers: Illusions of Grandeur at
Boardwalk -Illusions of Grandeur-Lemon Espaliers Set (NEW)
Bedroom items: [Generation X] at
Boardwalk - [Generation X] Kymani Boardwalk (NEW)
Pouf: Raindale at
Boardwalk - Raindale - Beaumaris poufs @Boardwalk (NEW)
Chihuahua's; [Rezz Room] at
Epiphany - [Rezz Room] Pack Chihuahua ( shown: holdable animesh VIP, companion RARE, sleeping, dog bowl pinky, eating) ( gacha/NEW)
Bye bye, Nic