Wednesday, July 31, 2019

we want icecream!

Click small picture to enlarge.
Beggars around her. They all like icecream and Nic too of course. It's festival time. So owners of food trucks and food cars and car bars are doing a good business these days.
May be you think Nic is wearing a set like the one in the post before this one, but no... this is another boho styled one. This is a complete set from :::UNA::: at FeverFete, the music festival and shopping event, inspired by a festival as Coachella.
The set includes: skirt ( long and short version) , top, vest, harness, sandals, flower crown and belt. It's a collaboration from :::UNA:: and Luas. Some sets are sold separate. In the fat pack are more colors.
The earring is from Lagyo at Collabor88. The colors are changeable with a hud.
The combi bar car with stools is from CHEZ MOI. It was a release in May/ June at Tres Chic, but now available in the store.
The large dogs are from TLC and the smaller ones from [Rezz Room]

Total outfit ( see text): Luas& :::UNA::: at FeverFete - Luas & Una Avery Fatpack @ FeverFete festival event (NEW)
Earring: LaGyo at C88 - LaGyo_Anaise Earrings (NEW)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at DUBAI -  Deadly s[K]ins - STARSHINE lights (NEW)
From inventory: head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; Hair - Magika (Victoria); dogs (see text) - TLC and [Rezz Room]

Bar car: CHEZ MOI - Kombi Bar  * CHEZ MOI
Icecream truck: {vespertine} - {vespertine} -  Icecream Truck with Logo/Sunny linked
Pictures made at: FeverFete
Bye bye, Nic

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

where is everyone?

Click small picture to enlarge
She took so much with her to the beach, but where is everyone to enjoy with her the delicious ice and drinks. Who will help wear when she goes back home? Everyone is busy elsewhere. Sigh.
She doesn't need to complain. The place is beautiful. She just needs to learn to wait and enjoy the moment. Everyone will appear again for sure.
Nic is wearing a new released top from amias at the Kinky event. I combine it with the transparent skirt of the Kay set from :::UNA:::. Transparent is good for summertime.
The hair from truth and the shoes from #Empire are oldies from Niç's  inventory.

Behind Nic are the beach boat sofa with land form and the beach shed on stilts with land form are  from ~Xantes ~ at Boardwalk. The flamingo and turtle floaties, the mojito's and the beach ball are part of the land forms. I dragged them to other places for the pictures.
The bag with clutter on the sofa is from dust.bunny. It was one of the Fifty Linden Friday item this weekend.
More items from dust.bunny are:  the towel tote with flowers, the bag with oranges and the folded beach chair. The sandals, the ice cream in Nic's hand  and the towels on the ground are gacha items of Serenity Style.
The bag with bread and wine is from an old gacha of O.M.E.N. The plate with ice cream (gelato decor) is a gift at Uber from Andika. The green beach bag on the sofa is a group gift from CHEZ MOI. Group join is free.
The big glass vase with plant i bought in the Ariskea shop.

Top: amias at Kinky - amias - NARI  (NEW)
Skirt: :::UNA::: - :::UNA::: part of Katy Silks Fatpack
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins  at Sense - 7 Deadly s[K]ins - MIRABELLE Light (skin tone pineapple) (NEW)
From inventory: head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; Shoes - #Empire; hair with hat - Truth

Beach boat sofa (see also my text): ~xantes~ at BW - ~ xantes ~ Beach Boat Sofa with land form ( rezzer) (NEW)
Shed on Stilts ( see also my text): ~xantes~ at BW - ~ xantes ~  Beach Shed on Stilts with Land form Rezzer (NEW)
Bag with clutter: Con& dust.bunny - Con & Dust Bunny . Gracie Living Room - Bag Clutter ( was FLF this weekend)
Beach bag at Sofa: CHEZ MOI - Hot Beach Bag * CHEZ MOI (free)
Towel tote, net bag with oranges, folded beach chair; dust.bunny - dust bunny -Beach day
Glass vase with plant: Ariskea - Ariskea[Clarity] Big Glass vase with Plant[White]
Ice cream in hand, sandals on ground, folded towel - Serenity Style - Serenity Style-Summer Essentials gacha items (gacha)
Wine Basket - O.M.E.N. - O.M.E.N. - Dog Park Day - 3 - Wine Basket (gacha)
Ice cream at plate: Andika at Uber - wear/andika[chill time]gelato/Uber gift (free)
From inventory: Beach paddle - dust.bunny ( old gg)
Bye bye, Nic

Saturday, July 27, 2019

make your own kind of music

Click small pictures to enlarge
Make your own kind of music. Yes.. important. It's important to make your own choices in life. Hopefully you make good choices. About some things i am totally sure, but about some i am in doubt sometimes.
About this i am sure:
I want to be the eyes that look deeper in your soul.
I want to be in your deepest wishes.

Now about the music. I like many music styles and so it is also with things in my life. I like many different things in life.
On the pictures you can see the reflection of my love for music. Inspired by the new release from Madras. The drum corner table, the music marquee sign and the music trophy are a new release at Feverfete. An event inspired by various musical genres and festivals like Glastonbury and Coachella, a shopping and live music experience!
On the walls i used some items from an old gacha from Madras ( Mesh India).
The violins with flowers of unKindness were available as Fly Buy sale item. Now normal price in the main shop.

The black neon chair on the first two pictures is made by Lush Poses, available at Oxxxcuro. Available in black, pink, green, blue and yellow. Each chair sold separately. The chair has 20 poses. Those poses are very good. You can drag the poses to your inventory and use them for other occasions too.

The couch and chairs of *DAWN* at Boardwalk, i showed also in the blog post before this one. Now you can have a closer look. At the Boardwalk Event you also can find the home, that i used. See below the vendor picture. The Birdy set of *PC* with chest, bird frame, a bowl and jars are also at Boardwalk.

The dress, a new release of *SK*, is available in the main shop in several colors. The hair i found back, while cleaning my inventory. It's D!va Hair. Not available this one, but in the shop are hairs like this.

Dress: *SK* -  * SK * Romina  (NEW)
Shoes: #Empire - #EMPIRE - Jacinta (gg/ free/ group join fee)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at DUBAI -  Deadly s[K]ins - STARSHINE lights (NEW)
Headphone on Nic: *:..Silvery K..:* - *:..Silvery K..:* Street Style gacha
From inventory: hair - D!va ; body - Maitreya ; head - LeLutka; poses - Lush Poses

Home used: Loggin Off Homes at Boardwalk - LOH The Blue Ridge (NEW)
Drum table and more ( see text) - MADRAS at FeverFete - MADRAS FeverFete (NEW)
Neon Chair: Lush Poses  at Oxxxcuro - Lush Poses - OXXCURO (new)
Violins with flowers: unKindness - uk - Mary's Song Violins
Chest, bird frame, bowl and jars: *PC* at Boardwalk - *PC * Birdy Set (NEW)
Armchair and couch: *DAWN* at Boardwalk - *DAWN* Alpine Seating Set (NEW)
Puppies: [Rezz Room] - [Rezz Room] Box American Bully Puppy
Adult Bulldog: [Rezz Room] - [Rezz Room] Box English Adult Bulldog
Live Music arrow, guitar rock and roll and make your own decors: Mesh India ( now MADRAS): MI Music Decor Gacha
Head phone on ground  :~BAZAR~ - ~BAZAR~Stockholm-Headphones
Low table: [ keke ] - [ keke ] hygge sofa table
From inventory: guitar on stand - {what next}; rug and cactus - ~Bazar~
Bye bye, Nic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

kiss like lovers do

Click small pictures to enlarge
Kisses of the parakeets, reminds her of kisses. Kisses like lovers do.
"take the line between us ..and hold it close to you
i want is to get together lovers do"

Nic is wearing a set from Blueberry. I bought it in the flash sale yesterday. All 50% off. But too late for you when you read this. I hoped to be in time. Blogging about something that is just one day running is always difficult. Hoped the message reached you earlier in another way. The sale has been extended! It ends today 10 PM SLT! So hurry to get it in the sale!

She is in a country side home. See the building below. In my opinion it has a bit a mediterranean style. It's in the gacha of {YD} at the Sense Event. On the picture below you can see a couch and  chairs of  *Dawn*.
I decorated the house with furniture of {CdB}(Casa de Bebe) at Boardwalk. The table in the corner with accessories is from Anna's Attic at Boardwalk. Comes in several colors. The simple bread at the rattan table i dragged from the bread table to the small table so you could see it better.
The wall planters you can find in the  ~ASW~ stand at Boardwalk. In the stand are more items. At the Epiphany event you can find items, like the cheese scones and the cheese scones box, the strawberry bread, the shelves and the potted herbs wrapped in paper in the gacha of 8f8.

Outfit: Blueberry - Blueberry - Elise - Top / Skirt / Belt - Mega Pack (bought in Flash sale/ see text)
Pose: [NC] at Sense - [NC] Pose_Photogenic FATPACK (NEW)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at DUBAI -  Deadly s[K]ins - STARSHINE lights (NEW)
From inventory: hair - Truth; body - Maitreya, head - LeLutka

Home: {YD} at Sense -{YD}Cozani House (Gacha /Rare / NEW)
Cats: Image Essentials  at Boardwalk  - IE - Full Perm Cats (blog edition) - Boardwalk July (NEW)
Armchair and couch (outside/ picture below): *DAWN* at Boardwalk - *DAWN* Alpine Seating Set (NEW)
Bread table (in the corner): Anna's Attic at Boardwalk - Farmstead Bread table Anna's Bread table ( NEW)
Sofa, rattan tables, books, Bird cage, rubber plant, geranium wall art: {CdB} at Boardwalk -  {CdB} -"Birdie's Sun Room"
Wall planters: ~ASW~ at Boardwalk - ~ASW~ The Cassia wall planter ( NEW)
Rosemary plants: 8f8 at Epiphany 18_8f8 - The Sweetest Spot - Rosemary (gacha/NEW)
Strawberry bread - 8f8 at Epiphany - 30_8f8 - The Sweetest Spot - Strawberry Bread (gacha/NEW)
Chive plants: 8f8 at Epiphany 19_8f8 - The Sweetest Spot - Chives Box (gacha/NEW)
Cheese scones box: 8f8 at Epphany  - 21_8f8 - The Sweetest Spot - Cheese Scones Box (gacha/NEW)
From inventory: curtains - Apple Fall, sink - Plaaka; water bottle - MADRAS; copper pans - Apple Fall
Bye bye, Nic

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

the good things in life

Click small picture to enlarge
The good things in life are the things you love.
In the pictures you can see some of the things Nic likes. Her patio with barbecue, delicious food and wine, the dogs, sunny days, a bath, a nice new dress and a nice choker, her fascination for the "mysterious and irrational" Pi and dreaming about all what she loves while sitting on her hanging seat.

You can find at the Sense event the dress of Ghee and the lipstick of Go makeup. Her choker of amias is available at the Belle event. Comes with a good color hud.
At the Boardwalk Event are the patio of Salacity, the lemon espaliers of Illusions of Grandeur and the furniture of Dench Designs: BBQ and Prep Table ( with accessories), rattan seats (with color hud) and  table with accessories, fountain  and the free outdoor lighting.
The shabby hanging seat (out at the Summer Meadow Event) and the sandstone rock bath (out at the Cosmopolitans Sales Room) are from DJ/SF. Both with many animations.

Dress: Ghee at SENSE -Ghee Shells Beach Dress wHUD  (NEW)
Lipstick: Go makeup at SENSE -[OMEGA and CATWA] GO Along Lipstick (NEW)
Choker: amias at Belle Event - amias - AMEL choker ( with color hud (NEW)
Chihuahua's; [Rezz Room] at Epiphany - [Rezz Room] Chihuahua  (gacha/NEW)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at DUBAI -  Deadly s[K]ins - STARSHINE lights (NEW)
Pose: [NC] at Sense - [NC] Pose_Photogenic FATPACK (NEW)
From inventory: Hair - Truth ( HoneyAna); head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; Pi tattoo - ES Design

Outdoor items ( see text) Dench Designs at Boardwalk - Dench Designs Spilsby (NEW)
Outdoor lighting (second picture/ right side): Dench Designs at Boardwalk - DD Outdoor Lighting (free)
Patio pergola: Salacity at Boardwalk - Salacity - Patio Pergola ( with color hud)  (NEW)
Lemon espaliers: Illusions of Grandeur at Boardwalk -Illusions of Grandeur-Lemon Espaliers Set (NEW)
Hanging seat: DJ/SF at Summer Meadow - DJ / SF Blogger box - Shabby Hanging Seats  (NEW)
Rock bath: DJ/SF at CSR - DJ / SF Blogger box for  Cosmo - DJ  / SF Baths (NEW)
From inventory: Gypsophilia pitcher  - Silvery K; waterfall - unKindness; trees - little Branch; bath stool, cream and gel tubes - Soy. ; cushion - Apple Fall; towel - Unkindness
Bye bye, Nic

Monday, July 22, 2019

hot peacock

Click small picture to enlarge
The rain is gone and it's very hot. 26 degrees Celcius today. And the next three days 32, 36 and 36 degrees Celcius. That's pretty hot for Holland.
Often my experiences or moods are reflected on my blog. So for now the sunny hot pictures are appropriate.

To be able to see the peacock tattoo properly you need to be naked or wearing a high-cut pantie or bikini pantie or a long dress with an open side of the skirt.
Because i am a blogger for the Sense event i got this sexy leather set with gems. It's a bit out of my comfort zone to choose this. Not because it's a sexy set ( i like to show sexy outfits), but with the large bijous it has a glitter and glam style, that i don't show so much here on my blog. However the set is sexy and perfect for showing the tattoo. It's a bit a vintage bathing suit. Nic is wearing again the skin STARSHINE of 7 Dealy s[K]ins at the Dubai Event. Love the color of the cheeks. The hair is a free hair of no.match. You can find the box upstairs. You need to be in the group.

For the decor i used furniture of Aphrodite/<Heart Homes>, available at Sense. See for the total set the quick made picture below. The style is vintage in my opinion.

Hair: no.match - no.match_ ~ NO_HOLIDAY  ~ all COLORS (free/ group join fee)
Bathing suit: [NC] at SENSE -[NC] Bijou Bathing Suit - Nude (NEW)
Tattoo: .: Vegas :. at SENSE -.: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Regeneration 121 (NEW)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at DUBAI -  Deadly s[K]ins - STARSHINE lights (NEW)
From inventory: body - Maitreya; head - LeLutka;shoes- #Empire (GG/ free but group join fee);croissants - dust.bunny; piercings - Meva

Furniture: Aphrodite/<Heart Homes> at SENSE - Aphrodite<Heart Homes> Mar & Tierra -  Coastal Sofa Set PG (NEW)
Bye bye, Nic

here comes the rain again

Click small picture to enlarge
Here comes the rain again...falling on my head like a memory...
Raining in my head like a tragedy...tearing me apart like a new emotion
I want to breath in the open wind... i want to talk like lovers do
I want to dive into your ocean.. is it raining with you
( songtext Annie Lennox/ David Allen Stewart)

The wind is getting stronger, the clouds are getting darker. It's going to rain. It matches her mood. But she is fighting against it. She doesn't want that mood getting over her. So she is making pictures from the surroundings for her blog. A good distraction from her nearly sad mood. And sitting in the sun in rl is also good for changing her mood. All is relative in life so not need to be down. Going again for the sunny side of life.

Nic is showing several items again from the Sense Event. The short naughty dress with the well know bento movement of the wind animation of Arcane Spellcaster, the tattoo of .:Vegas:. , shoes of +Dreamcatcher+, the pose from [NC] and the Nordic Cabin House of Elfico penso (LI 56).
The dress of Arcane is sold as a fat pack with a 20 color hud. The tattoo i will show you in another blog post better. You can see then, that the tattoo on the leg is a very beautiful peacock.

Dress: Arcane Spellcaster at SENSE - bag Dress Brenda BENTO *Arcane Spellcaster* (NEW)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at DUBAI -  Deadly s[K]ins - STARSHINE lights (NEW)
Tattoo: .: Vegas :> at SENSE  - .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Regeneration 121 (NEW)
Shoes: +Dreamcatcher+ at SENSE - +Dreamcatcher+ Katya heels / Maitreya (NEW)
Summer bag: :::UNA::: at Equal10 - ::: UNA::: /Mushilu. 0025 meleni summer bag (NEW)
Pose: [NC] at SENSE - [NC] Pose_Photogenic (NEW)
From inventory: head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; hair - Exile; piercings - Meva

Chihuahua; [Rezz Room] at Epiphany - [Rezz Room] Pack Chihuahua (gacha/ Animash/ Rare)
Cabin: Elfico Penso at SENSE - Elfico penso: Nordic Cabin (NEW)
Pictures made at Whimberly
Bye bye, Nic

Sunday, July 21, 2019

sense of summer

Click small picture to enlarge
Many people are away now, on vacation in rl to beautiful countries with high mountains or to beaches or lakes. Visiting little towns, sitting on terraces.
When you stay at home, like me here in Holland, it is also so relaxed at the moment. Lesser traffic, lesser noise, lesser waiting in the supermarket, sunny days and enjoying the flowers in the garden. Love it this time at home.
My sense of vacation comes back in this blog post here. Made with several items from the new round of the SENSE event. I love the life guard tower of Evhah ( several Adult versions). Comes with a color menu for several colors. In the set are palms with a rock, torches, and the life guard sign. When you start sitting you get the pose on the last picture with the binoculars. The other poses used on the pictures are from Lyrium

From the SENSE event are also Nic's lipstick, the earrings, the skin and the sandals. The earrings and the sandals come with a color menu. The skin is of 7 Deadly s[K]ins. Nic is wearings skin tone pineapple.
The "in love" tattoo is a group gift of Carol G. Group join is free at the moment. Monday night the group join fee is again 150 ld! So hurry. Many group gifts there.
The short and top are of :::UNA::: at Equal10. Some colors are sold separately and there is a fatpack with more colors/textures. Also the summer bag with accessories is of :::UNA::: at Equal10.
The eternal love necklace is of !IT! 12 packages are discounted  at 60L in the MP and in the store. In the set are also earrings ( not shown here)

Short and top: :::UNA::: at Equal10 -:::UNA::: Madeline (NEW)
Summer bag: :::UNA::: at Equal10 - ::: UNA::: /Mushilu. 0025 meleni summer bag (NEW)
Necklace: !IT! - !IT! - Eternal Love Set (60ld sale on MP and in the store)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at SENSE -  Deadly s[K]ins - MIRABELLE lights (NEW)
Sandals: [Sheba] at SENSE - [Sheba] Hypatia sandals (NEW)
Earrings: VALUXIA at SENSE - VALUXIA - Queenie Earrings (NEW)
Lipstick: Go Makeup at SENSE - Go Makeup omeag /Catwa makeup 01 (NEW)
Tattoo: Carol G - Carol G. In LOve - TaTToo Applier [CAROL G] ( free/gg/ group join free atm/ monday night back to 150ld)
Hair: tram at C88 -  tram I0624 hair / HUD-A (NEW)
From inventory: head - LeLutka, body - Maitreya; poses with cigarette- Lyrium (Isis serie)

Life guard tower: EVHAH at SENSE - evh Lifeguard tower (NEW)
Pictures made at Lost Dreams
Bye bye, Nic

Saturday, July 20, 2019


Click small pictures to enlarge
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. You have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars.

Yes Nic has patience and she wants to reach for the stars. While waiting and being patient, she is busy for her blog. A good way to help her to be patience. And even for blog making patience is needed. I needs not to be too tired and have patience to get good ideas.
So not every day a blog post is available for you. Keep patient ;)!

Today i am happy to show you again some free items. Part of the core purpose of this blog. But with having more sponsors it's sometimes a bit at the back ground.
Today the hair is free and the outfit of the new  summer hunt, at Ricielli are just 15ld for each item.. The quality is, as known, very good. With the tips from my advisor Laura i show you two sets, that combine very good. The Livy top (#17) and short (#19) is a set. And the lingerie bra  and pantie Shelly (#08) goes very well with the robe Shayla (#10) both from the Dhoma brand of Ricielli. I am a fan of that brand.
Laura told me also that skirt ( #01) and the body suit ( #09) combine very well. You need find donuts. In the shop is the board with all the hunt items. So you can choose what you want.
Nic's skin is skin Aquilla available at the eBENTO event. She is wearing skin tone caramel.
The nails used are from the Sale Rack of Cazimi at marketplace. Many very good affordable items there. Type in search at MP Cazimi Sale Rack or hit a board in the shop about it.
The lipstick is available at the new round of SENSE. Blog posts of that event will come soon.

In the decor you can see items from the Boardwalk event and the super cute Chihuahua's of [Rez Room], available in the gacha at Epiphany.
From the Boardwalk event are the bedroom set of  [ Generation X ], containing the bed, rug, chair, side table, elephant ear plant, vase with books, vases, bull heads and the hanging lamps. All items can be bought separately or in a full set. Adult or pg.
To the right you can see a pouf of Raindale. Comes with a color menu.
On the balcony i placed the lemon espaliers of Illusions of Grandeur.
The pictures are made in the skybox of hive//. Once i bought this one at a Fifty Linden Friday. It's a simple skybox but with sphere. Available now at the normal ( affordable) price.

Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at eBENTO - 7 Deadly s[K]ins - AQUILLA lights (NEW)
Short: Ricielli - Ricielli - 2019 Summer Hunt (No Transfer) #19 (15ld/hunt)
Top: Ricielli - Ricielli - 2019 Summer Hunt (No Transfer) #17 (15ld/hunt)
Bra and Pantie: Riciellie - Ricielli - Dhoma 2019 Summer Hunt (No copy) #8 (15ld/hunt)
Robe: Ricielli - Ricielli - Dhoma  2019 Summer Hunt (No Transfer) #10 (15ld/hunt
Hair: [KNOX] - [KNOX] Subscriber Welcome Gift Heather All Colors ( free)
Nails: Cazimi  ( sale rack Marketplace) - CAZIMI: Nails - Foliage (25ld)
Lipstick: Go Makeup at SENSE - Go Makeup - Bloggers Pack @SENSE (new)
Poses: Lyrium at 2nd Chance - Lyrium. Anastazja series ( 50% off)

Skybox: hive // -  hive // simple hive //
Lemon espaliers: Illusions of Grandeur at Boardwalk -Illusions of Grandeur-Lemon Espaliers Set (NEW)
Bedroom items: [Generation X] at Boardwalk - [Generation X] Kymani Boardwalk (NEW)
Pouf: Raindale at Boardwalk - Raindale - Beaumaris poufs @Boardwalk (NEW)
Chihuahua's; [Rezz Room] at Epiphany - [Rezz Room] Pack Chihuahua ( shown: holdable animesh VIP, companion RARE, sleeping, dog bowl pinky, eating) ( gacha/NEW)
Bye bye, Nic

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

free your mind is life to be lived

Click small pictures to enlarge
Dare to dream...get carried the sound of your own inner magic
When we feel love.. and love what we do.. nothing can stop us
For life is made for you to shape it...
Endless skies await our destiny...
(text parts Tom Oliver Kirfel)

Nic is showing you her dress bought in the 50% sale at Nerido. Nerido has a new shop and because of that, the sale is running. I love the clothes from that shop. The quality is super. The opportunity to get some of the nice clothes in sale, i couldn't resist. I showed a nice shirt before on this blog and a short dress, a bikini, a long dress, a romper and gacha items. So i am really a fan of that shop. Pay the full price and you get immediately 50% back.
Nic's hair is of Doux, the skin of 7 Deadly s[K]ins. Showed before on this blog.

A morning on her picnic rug of ~DsR~, the BDSM Picnic. Yes a BDSM picnic is possible ;).
For the blog Nic is just sitting. No naughty animations here for you. But go try them at the Boardwalk event. Nic did try them all of course, curious like she is. She can tell you the animations are really good. The food items are props of the rug. The plaid also has a color change menu.
Nic is watching the old playground that is nearby. It's the old playground of B-Made. Containing, the round about, the circle for climbing, the slide and the swing. Hm i forgot to place the seesaw. Love this set, available at the Boardwalk.
A bit more far away are huge trees, blood wood trees of 3rd Eye. available at The Boardwalk Event. The little bird near Nic is from the tree.I dragged the little one more near for the picture. The tree comes with nice animations, solo and cuddle.

Dress: Nerido -~Nerido~ Anetta Dress (Maitreya)-White Lace (sale/ 50% off)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at AnyBody -   7 Deadly s[K]ins - SAFFRAAN (NEW)
Hair: DOUX - DOUX - Rhonda
From inventory: head - LeLutka, body - Maitreya

Picnic BDSM - ~DsR~ at Boardwalk - ~DsR~ Boardwalk Exclusive [The BDSM Picnic] (NEW)
Bloodwood tree: 3rd Eye at Boardwalk 3rd eye ( ADD ME )  Bloodwood Tree {PG}(NEW)
Old Playground: B-Made at Boardwalk - B-Made Old Playground Set (NEW)
Bye bye, Nic

Sunday, July 14, 2019

we got to let the music play

Click the small picture to enlarge
What the people need is a way to make them smile...ain't so hard to do..... we got to let the music play.. listen to the music..... all the time.
Meet me in the country for a day...we'll be happy and we'll dance.. we gonna dance our blues away

A sunny Sunday before "just another manic day like Monday". And on that manic Monday (the 15th) the new round of the Boardwalk event opens. This is a preview of some items. Go there to see and buy the beautiful things. I will show some in other blog posts.

Nic is relaxing under her new pergola with  lights, with the potted lime trees and rattan chairs,sofa and the table of Simply Shelby. In the chairs and sofe are many good animations. Not used here.
Near her the retro radio for the music. That one is from a set with the wooden lounger ( see in the background) and an umbrella from Simple Reflection.
Also from the upcoming Boardwalk event are the pitches of Illusions of Grandeur Home and Garden. The designer is Nonna Hedges. Familiar name for me from the beginning of my sl time. Cool to discover she is still active in sl.
Adorable sweet are the cats of Image Essentials:15 full perm mesh cats. They have 5 different textures. Each cat sells for 125L, exclusive for the Boardwalk event. I love the rubbing ones. Standing rub and sitting rub.

The shoes of To.Kiski i also bought at 2nd Chance event (50% off)
Nic's dress is of Emerald Couture at THE POINT Event. A short summer dress with a hud with more textures.
I did  use a pose from <EMOZIONE> (laying with arms on the table) and Lyrium ( the sitting ones)
The poses from Lyrium are from a set at the 2nd Chance Event ( opposite the upcoming new round of the Sense event). You get them for 50% off.

Dress: Emerald Couture at The Point - EC Bannie Summer Outfit (NEW)
Hair: Tram at Uber - tram I0618 hair / HUD-A (NEW)
Shoes: TO.KISKI at 2nd Chance  - TO.KISKI - Laura Shoes - Gold (50% off/ 99ld)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at AnyBody -   7 Deadly s[K]ins - SAFFRAAN (NEW)
Sitting poses: Lyrium. at 2nd Chance - Lyrium. Aida Series (50% off)
Laying on arms with head pose: <EMOZIONE> - <EMOZIONE> Pose **A Little Magic**!
From inventory: head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; bracelet and rings - amias

Decor: taxi to Boardwalk here  (open 14th of July)
Cats: Image Essentials  at BW - IE - Full Perm Cats (blog edition) - Boardwalk July (NEW)
Pergola, rattan chair, sofa, plant, lights: Simply Shelby at BW - Modern Pergola (NEW)
Pitchers: Illusions of Grandeur at BW-Illusions of Grandeur-French Pitchers Set 1(NEW)
Wooden lounger, umbrella and radio: Simple Reflections at BW - Simple Reflections  PART 2 (NEW)
Bye bye, Nic

Friday, July 12, 2019

a teaser to get your attention....

Click small picture to enlarge
Do the oldest job 
Do the oldest job in the newest of ways..
This blog post is a teaser to get your attention. Yes you ;).

And also a teaser for you for the upcoming gacha ( out at the 22nd of July) of You by GeMyles.
It's a gacha with stripping possibility. Let someone click the clothes and a menu pops up to undress you. Undressing in a few clicks or fast in one click. Again click to dress. 

Mostly i don't show items of the same shop in two blog post in a row. Mostly more days between them. But i got this "cheeky request" (his words) from the owner of You by GeMyles, to make a vendor picture for his new gacha. I like challenges, so i said yes. And i got this. With the work done i thought well i will use it also on the blog. But you need to have a little patience before you can get it.

In the gacha are the top, the skirt, the choker with bell ( also RLV version) and the boots. You can get commons in pink, lilac and blue. Ultra rare is black and rare is red. The black and the red come with a hud with texts for on the top.
I like to show you also Nic's new hair from Doux at Collabor88. Gorgeous hair with a hud with all colors. You can buy the styling hud for 88ld.
I love also the a bit naughty tattoo from Oxydate.

Stripper gacha outfit (see text) :You by GeMyles - [MH] Kisha Stripable Top and Skirt (gacha/new/ each try 50ld)
Hair: Doux at C88 - DOUX - Tati hairstyle Basic pack and [DELUXE HUD] (NEW)
Tattoo: Oxydate  - Oxydate. Hurt me Tattoo (Add)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at AnyBody -   7 Deadly s[K]ins - SAFFRAAN
From inventory: body - Maitreya; head - LeLutka; lipstick - [Reviver]; pose Bauhaus Movement
Bye bye, Nic (  she isn't a bitch, by the way!)