Oh how I do love myself a nice sculpted top... this Letituer Norway Shirt is just so pretty. It did take some editing until it fit my avatar just right, but it's well worth the hassle.

Yay, my first tres blah skin! Don't I look pretty? I picked it up at the skin & shape expo. I have been wanting a tres blah skin for a while now, but somehow the previous releases weren't doing it for me. This is the Plain Jane make up, I might go back for the Cupid make up as well. Also the Lamb group gift hair suits this face so beautifully. I love the dark roots and matching eyebrows, don't even miss my red hair for one little bit.
Kus Nere
Skin: tres blah - Indie {Light} Plain Jane (currently at Skin and Shape Expo 2011)
Hair: Lamb - Heart honeycomb roots (subscribogift)
Top: Letituer - Norway Shirt Salmon (current offer at TFG)
Skirt: Kyoot - Loathed High-Waisted mini taupe
Pumps: LeLutka - Saffron pumps neutral black
Skybox: Lo Momo - groupgift available in store
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