Unique Megastore makes some of the most fabulous skins in SL, such high quality. The faces are lovely and sweet, young and fresh with a good variety of make ups. Everyface comes in just one skintone, featured above is my current favorite, the very pale Suzie. The eyebrows are perfect, natural looking and the lips are lushfull. The skin is very smooth and little textured, for a perfect doll-look.

Suzie comes with an open lip option. Normally I'm not very fond of that feature, but on these faces its a very nice addition. Apart from that you'll also get a cleavage and a hairbase option, and a brown eyebrow tattoo layer. I love it when a creator is that attentive.

The body is just perfect, with nice shading and the shine is just sexy enough. The vagina is a bit of a surprise to me, because its one of the best I've seen on a skin. What I like is that it is a little detailed, but not overly done and just a hint of neatly trimmed pubic hair. I did however find two minor details I didn't like much. First the inner ear texture and second the nails painted on the hands. I love to wear prim nails and the texture of these nails are very obviously sticking out from under my prim nails. A glove tattoo in the skincolor would solve that problem. But apart from that its just a fabulous skin.
Suzie isn't the latest release btw. Unique Megastore is on a roll and producing one fabulous face after another. Go demo!
Kus Nere
Skin: Unique Megastore - Suzie
Hair: D!va - Chizuru Rhodolite
Dress: AtomicBambi - Rosara (hide & seek hunt gift)