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It's a cold winter without you. Sitting near the covered bridge from CHEZ MOI she is thinking about you. You can see how cold she is. She needs your arms around her. Although it's cold and she is missing you the spot is perfect with a view over the water and with the hot chocolate.Her new mood jacket from EVIE will keep her warm. It's called a mood jacket because you get a hud with all sorts of mood texts for on the sweater. I chose Drama Queen, but no she isn't a drama queen at all, most of the times! And certainly not now!
You also can wear the jacket without the sweater. Nic is wearing this on the Fifty Linden Friday pants from OSMIA. Still available today!The shoes are from TheBeautifulOnes (TBO), a Darkness event exclusive for the month December. The skin is the skin Linnea from 7 Deadly s[K]ins at the Sense Event (15th December - January 8th). I used the winter blush from Izzies for the cold effect (old gift)
The covered bridge is available with and without snow. Useful for different season's. Perfect for landscaping at your sim or piece of land. I placed several bridges behind each other.
Mood jacket: EVIE at Equal10 -EVIE - Mood Jacket [Black] v2 (NEW)
Shoes: TheBeautifulOnes at the Darkness (till 28th Dec) - .:TBO:. Lea Maitreya ( NEW)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins at Sense Event - LINNEA lights pineapple shade (NEW)
Pants: OSMIA for FLF -OSMIA - Phoebe.Lace.Up.Jeans - Blue ( today still available ( 50ld/ FLF)
From inventory: head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; Izzies - Winter Blush Gift; hair - Truth (Batty/gg)
Covered bridge: CHEZ MOI at Tres Chic -Covered Bridge Seasons (BLOGGER) * CHEZ MOI
Lamppost: CHEZ MOI at CSR - Oakville Park Set * CHEZ MOI (NEW)
From inventory: Husky and seagulls - TLC; wood logs with snow, boat with snow, basket with snow, car with snow- all MADRAS ( former mesh India); trees- Skye, shrubs - HPMD
Pictures made at: Maison de L'amitie
Bye bye, Nic