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Nic and tjip are standing in a decor with many items from the gacha from O.M.E.N. Very cute items ..too much to describe. The world map and the travel planning books from Merak i bought at the Tres Chic event. On the pictures below you can see close -ups from the presents that i got. The book with plans and the coffee at Tres Chic ( from Merak), The rose tea ( from Dust Bunny) and the tray with fruit kebab (from O/M.E.N.) at the location where you find the gacha from O.M.E.N.
Tjip is wearing the may groupgift from Prey. Nic is wearing a new release from Kib Designs at The Thrift Shop (May 27 - June 18, 2017). The exclusive for the event 50% off. Comes with a good color hud. And there are more items 50% off.
Nic's necklace is a gift at the Tres Chic Event from [Glitzz] with color hud. The bracelet is new from !IT! for this round of the Designer Circle
Dress: KiB Designs at The Thrift Shop - Arol Dress for The Thrift Shop (50% off)
Necklace: [Glitzz] at TC - part of [Glitzz] Zania Jewelry set (free)
Bracelet: !IT! at DC - !IT! Cute butterfly bracelet (NEW)
From inventory: Shoes - Scandalize ( free/ but group join fee); Hair - Truth (old groupgift); head - LeLutka; body - Maitreya; Skin - LAQ
Tjips is wearing:
Outfit: Prey - Prey may groupgift ( free)
Base ball bat: Bloody at We <3 Roleplay - Bloody Baseball Bat (unscripted) - Modulus (free)
From inventory: Hair - Dura; Chucks - Kapone; Towel - FATEwear ( old gift)
Many items: O.M.E.N - O.M.E.N. Dog Park Day gacha ( 50ld each try. With 20 tries you get the animated pup with the teddy bear).
Fruit kebab tray: O.M.E.N. - O.M.E.N - Dog Park Day - Fruit Kebabs GIFT BOX (free)
Rose tea: dust bunny - dust bunny . diy Rose Tea (free)
Coffee and book: [Merak] at TC - [Merak] - TRES CHIC B-DAY GIFT (free)
World map: [Merak] at TC - [Merak] - World Map (NEW)
Coffee and travel plannning - [Merak] at TC [Merak] - Travel Planning (NEW)
From inventory: Blue chair and umbrella -( old gift); crate - Revival;
Pictures made at Rosendale
Bye bye, Nic

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