Snowdrops early messengers of the new beginning. I love these winter tins with snowdrops from keke. Found them on marketplace and they are not so expensive. When you want see more work from keke go to the main shop or to The Seasons Story
Nic wears a warm sweater , the new groupgift for valentines day from !gO!. I combined it with the jeans from Entice and boots that i found at marketplace from Dark Side.
And because Dancer said she wanted to do the New Beginning Hunt i thought oh yes good idea. And immediately found this nice pink dress with bow from FAshioNatic.
Go in the shop and search near the desk. And.... there are more hunt items there with realy nice things in it. So...up up and away to FAshioNatic girls (and guys).
Below a clos-up from the !gO! sweater. Some poses are from +Espoir+ . A shop that i found at the sim where i did the photoshoot.
Hints for the New Beginning Hunt
FAshioNatic- .TNBO-2015 # 12 -FashionNatic - F Path (1ld)
Entice - part of Entice - I Want Candy Outfit (free)
Dark Side - = [Dark Side] = Gray Boots (20ld)
!gO! - !gO! Valentine turtleneck- Group Gift (free/ 50ld group join fee)
Box on the ground:
[NO CONCEPT] at CCB - [NO CONCEPT] CCB wood box(free)
Tins with snawflakes -
keke - keke winter tin snow drop wintersky (10ld)
Some poses:
+Espoir+ - ( each 20ld)
Tattoo: ::c.A.::
at CCB - ::c.A.:: Valentine Tattoo @CCB gift (free)
from inventory: Hair - dela; Stole - ::K::
Pictures made at:
Natural Mignon Colore
Bye bye, Nic