Thursday, June 6, 2013


Nic was camping in the wood. Suddenly her kitten was sick. She went in a hurry with her fast car to the doctor. And there she is the little one , vivid and alife. She is in her cute box that i found on marketplace for just 10ld. There are also other colors. But this fitted the brown  colors from Nic's dress.
Nic wears a new release from Kanou. The jewelry is from two new welcome presents from WTG. You can find 3 boxes in the black building in the back corner: 2 boxes with free jewelry, 1 box for 50ld. I liked the free boxes the most.
The slip on shoes  are from Energy for 1ld on marketplace. I had to reattach them because they were attached to the lower leg. Better to put them on your feet ofcourse.

Jewelry box 1: WTG - +:+WTG+:+ **Welcome gift 01** necklace ( free/group join fee)
Jewelry box 2: WTG - +:+WTG+:+ **Welcome gift 02** ear-pierces ( free/group join fee)
Shoes: Energy - ..:: Energie ::. White Slips  Bag ( 1ld)
Pet bag: Soul Candy - Designer Plaid Pet bag - Brown (Boxed)
Dress: Kanou - KANOU Alexa White (NEW)
From inventory: Kitten from Kowloon; Hair - EMO-tions; armband- made by me

Bye bye, Nic

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