Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'm loving the softness of my current look, which is mainly based on the sweet skin. It's an offer by AMD on the Pure Juice Event and only 75 l. I really like where these skins are going, AMD is currently mostly known for clothes, but I really believe will soon blow us away with even more gorgeous faces.

Jacket is by R.icielli and available at TDR. I love it!


Skin: AMD - Arabell peachy (available at Pure Juice Event)
Blush: Dutch Touch - Blusher rose
Hair: - Summer passionate red
Jacket: R.icielli - Paris Coat floral (available at TDR)
Jewelry: Aluinn - Teardrop necklace and earrings

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Inaya just released Shedrah, a slightly tanned skin for a young female. Please go grab a demo :)

Kus Nere

Skin: Inaya - Shedrah
Hair: Vive9 - Yulia rich
Eyes: Unique Megastore - gift eyes, available at skinfair

Too much mushroom soup I think

Kus Nere

Skin: Dutch Touch - Gwen Cream basic
Hair: Shag - He Loves Me Knot fever
Jacket: mon tissu - Rockaby Blazer khaki
Blouse: Doppelganger Inc. - Tux Dress
Jeans: Milk Motion - my boyfriend jeans
Belt: Maitreya - Leather Belt darkbrown
Pumps: elikatera - Move Pumps antique
Clutch: BareRose - Clutch Bag yellow