I don't blog as much as I would like to lately, simply because I often don't have the funds to get everything my little heart desires. I did however treat myself to this beautiful BdN skin, I am so in love with its soft look and lush lips. I added the Rozena group gift eyeliner for this look, combined with the Lamb Honey hair it gives it a little bit of a hippie look which I adore.

My outfit was built around Eclectic Apparel's new Daringly Sweater. The previous time I blogged them I complained a little about the see through part of it, but in this release I can't find any dislikes, its a very nice basic sweater. The low waist belt is another super find, available at [chuculet] for only 2L a color.
Kus Nere
Skin: BdN - Rosi Light Nude
Makeup: Rozena Skin - Simple eyeliner tattoo layer
Hair: Lamb - Honey Butterfinger
Dress: e! - Daringly Sweater Latte
Jacket: Cubic Effect - Short Leather Jacket brown
Belt: Chuculet - low waist belt sand/gold
Stockings: Dutch Touch - High Sheer Socks Olive
Boots: G Field - Short Lace-Up Boots brown