Not sure why I've not seen more about this hunt expect for maybe because it's a little one (only 20 shops) but out of that small bit of hunting most of the items were keepers (there is a lot of nice furniture in this hunt as well). This is one of the best hunts I've done in awhile, and being only 20 shops I got done in no time at all. If your interested you can start the hunt here at Kakaue Shoes and Boots Kreation. Looking for letter "K"'s (as in Karina - well really as in Kakaue but for our purposes here - Karina). So here's a large sampling and therefore large post (I can hear Nere already "too many pictures" yes I know, but I'm still on page one of Photo Shop for Dummies so I've not gotten to the - let's make a montage! part). Some of the goodies:

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