Here i wear, as promissed, the other jacket from Chronokit. Realy super detailed again.I wear a leather skirt and western boots from studio M's. Where are the days we stood there with many to get those boots and this skirt from the lucky chair. Same can be said of the days that Atomic lucky board was hot. Both shops are still there, but no lucky chairs anymore.
But the jacket from Chronokit is so cool!!!!
My hair is the new years gift Nikki from Exile. But remodeled. All the paper streamers i made very tiny and dragged them into my head. A lot of work. But now i can wear the new years hair every day of the year ;). When you want to do this too. Then touch the subscribe-o-matic. It is nr. 2.You get 4 colours. This is the colour autumn. When you don't want to remodel it, then grab it now for feasts. Your birthday or rezzday for example.
Jacket: Chronokit- *chronokit* Motorcycle Jacket 01 lady's ( also available for men)
Boots: Studio M's - * M'z Western Boots dark brown Leather *
Skirt: Studio M's - * M'z sculpted : mini skirt red * (LC)
Gloves: Hermony - .:Hermony:. / LeatherGloves / Red Pack (1 ld)
Hair: Exile - Exile New years gift! ( free)
From inventory: Belt - Sole
Bye bye, Nic
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