What shoes shall i wear today. It is a luxurious problem isn't it. Nic went out for shopping. She gave herself a few ( a few^^??) lindens. She already knew long time what she wanted to have. The shortsheepskin duffle from Aoharu was on top of her list of wishes. Then the new hair from Exile. With the darkened roots of the hair it is awesome. Then she went for the new super mesh shirt with the low back because the exile hair shows the back so beautiful. And last but not least the boots. Hmmmm and then came the problem. What boots shall i wear. The two coloured ones from Coco ( so classic) or the shearling wedge boots now in tan ( she had already the 3 coloured ones for free). But when she went there ..o boy... she saw those nice brown ones with the straps and folds. Well although she feels herself very spoiled .. i also can tell you she is soo happy with what she bought.
I think more avatars, who like fashion in sl, struggle with the following problem. When you wear a mesh dress or shirt and also mesh boots. The layer that makes things invisible disappear. Hope the designers can solve it. Wearing the mesh shirt under my new jacket was also impossible.
Aoharu -AOHARU_ShortSheepskinDuffle_Brown
Maitreya - Maitreya Mesh Athena Sweater * Beige
Exile - ::Exile:: Carolyn: Light Blondes Vanille
Darkbrown boots:
*MCS* - Slouchy Leather Boots - MEDIUM BROWN
Tan Boots:
*MCS* Montana Shearling Boots CHAMOIS
Two colour boots:
Coco - *COCO*_Leather&CanvasFlatBoots_Brown
GA - *GA* Sensual Girl Stand V18
From Inventory; Latte- sweater, Skirt- u.f.o (old hunt gift), Priss - bag (see other post from today )
And now rest and camp for money, Nic
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