On the first 2 pictures a shirt from RoTteN DeFiAnCe from RD Rotten Hunt - Find the skulls instore. The skin is from the with love hunt from Atomic. I remember the days when many stood there waiting at the lucky chair. Very good japanese shop! Now it is Year's end sale in the shop. 50% off.
The dress on picture 4 is with a christmas tree with al sort of texts. Click the picture to enlarge and see better. It is from the 10ld store VMC. It is a pity that it has just one layer. Near that shop is a good shop for buying animations.
And then the two next pictures show the gifts from Cynful. I already loved these day off sweatshirts. I am happy with these christmas versions. In the christmas tree in the shop you can find a pink star. So you can get the pink off day sweatshirt... from the "where is... hunt".
You can see the silver version of the Gos boots ( posted before)
Shirt: RoTteN DeFiAnCe - Hanging Up Ornaments is the Best Part! (RD Rotten Hunt - Find the skulls instore!) ( free)
Skin: Atomic - #67 With Love (again) From... ATOMIC (10ld)
Dress: VMC - MaHh - Heather (10L)
Sweaters: Cynful - [Cynful] Xmas 2011 Special - Red / White and [Cynful] Xmas 2011 Special - Snowflake ( free)
Enjoy your presents, Nic
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