First i wanted to go totally over the top with all rainbow things from my inventory... i discovered i had so much... but then i thought, no... better make a post in my style and i took this soft rainbow style..Also with a free item in it..the Hucci dress ( subscribe -o-matic gift). The colour of the dress fitted good with the colours of the fairy wings from my inventory.. The hairs i wanted to make fairy like .. so a wreath with colourful flowers and leaves i took from my inventory. And the goldish hair of Curious Kitties makes it all very sweet. Oh... enlarge the first picture (click on it) ..then you can see my rainbow eyelashes and eyes.
Hope this is a good way to honour Luna with many colours of the rainbow
Wings: * Deviance * - *Deviance * - Rainbow Fairy Wings ( free)
Dress: ::HH:: - ::HH:: Hucci Malaysia Dress - Lemon Gift (free)
Eyelashes : WWI - WWI Rainbow Hearts on my Lashes ( 50ld)
Wreath: un Jour - un Jour_* un Jour de ROSE wreacth
Hair: *C:K* - *C:K* Shizuka - Goldish 9 hmmmm couldn't find this one back in the shop.. but wild hairs like this enough)
Eyes: not available anymore ..
Styled with pants from Aoharu: AOHARU_Jeans_SkinnyStraight_Cream and with boots from J's - J's 3way Engineer Boots (BG)
See you back Luna with posts like this in the second challenge next year, Nic
Aww Nica it looks like great minds think alike!
Love the roses :P
Awww ... this is the softest and sweetest rainbow I've ever seen ... love it ;-)
loooooove the fairy look on you!!
Thank you for the awesomeness that is you during the past year. I'm so looking forward to next year <3
You look beautiful, I love your soft rainbow colors! Can't wait to see your looks for 2012!
Gorgeous! I love how you went with the softer look, and the wings are lovely touch.
You look so adorable! Cutest little rainbow fairy!!! So happy to see all the amazing rainbow posts! We'll have so much fun getting back into our color moods next year!
That is possibly the most beautiful and romantic rainbow post I've seen yet. Stunning.
You look like a soft rainbow cloud that you want to reach up and hug. So sweet =)
Aw, yea, the rainbows in your eyes and eye lashes are adorable! What a tender, sweet look. So you:)
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