The Pretzel (Brezel) Hunt is a showcase of Made in Germany in sl. Those Germans very clever too in that the start location has 4 landmarks for you to begin from, so everyone is not in the same place at the same time. I usually do this anyways (start in the middle) if there is a shop list but they have dumbed it down for me. I managed to drag Triper with me on this one thankfully - as he proved to be a very proficient pretzel finder and there is some really really nice men's stuff in this hunt! SL lag got me down today so I am only about half done so hopefully will blog more later. If you interested you the
start location is here.
Yesss Designs - Black Jacket with Capri's and skin is Mel Goth from
Fior di Perle Goth & Fantasy Skins. It's amazing and even though its called goth, other then so darker lines around the eyes, I think it's pretty natural looking.

Zebrano Komplett from
La Luna - the skin is hunt gift from
Aimesi Skin. Another amazing one.
Swanson - Autumn 2 outfit. This comes with lots of accessories too.

Destroyed jeans and shirt with vest from
Macho Designs on my macho man!
INDI Designs has a gift out for men and women. It's quite similar so if your into the whole matchy matchy thing you can go for it for free. They are both really nice on their own as well!
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